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What is the right time to consult top facilities management companies?

 When you're operating a business so low level it fits into one small office, facility management is not an element worth losing sleep over. But as your business expands, that one office of yours may turn into a building and a single machine change into a production line.

This is a point when facility management becomes necessary: It ensures you a well-defined environment in which both your business and employees can prosper.

Basically, facility management refers to a profession that concentrates on the efficient maintenance of an organization's buildings and equipment in a way that offers the best value to the building owner and users alike.

It's also a multi-disciplinary support service that can be executed in any segment or industry. Among its various applications is that it can guarantee safety, operability and ease in the built environment as well as amenability with existing legal requirements.

Here’re the indicators that reflect that it’s ideal time to consult some of the top facilities management companies.

1.      Increasing maintenance costs

It’s a well-known fact that maintenance costs money, but these costs should not turn down your business.

When you come across the scene that repairs and servicing costs are increasingmysteriously every year, some usual money-wasters to check include abuse or under-utilization of current equipment, wasteful stocking of inventory and spare parts and unused office space.Another aspect that instantly adds to your bottom line is improperly managed maintenance personnel and other staffing expenses.

2.      Problems in asset management and tracking

Considering that over 40 percent of small business monitor their assets manually or don’t track them at all is problematic. While this practice causes minimal problems early on, actual issues will begin emerging up as soon as you start to gauge.

Facilities management companies can help you handle and track assets and inventory properly if you are facing any of the following:

·        Asset register is insufficient or doesn’t exist at all.

·        It's becoming increasingly problematic to track the assets owned by the business.

·        The organization cannot positively declare its asset situation.

·        The existing condition of any asset and its location is unknown.

·        If any equipment, machine or tool were to go missing, no one would notice.

·        You keep buying replacements for equipment only to discover that you already had them.


3.      Increasing backlog of unfinished maintenance tasks

Various research reports confirm how employee engagement positively associates with workplace satisfaction. In other terms, delightful employees are productive employees. Without a designated facility management service, however, it is only a matter of time before they become unsatisfied and unfocussed because of leaking taps, broken light bulbs or an air conditioning unit in the staff canteen that isn’t working properly.

4.      Repetitive safety concerns

Recurring safety issues are a sign that you are operating in a possibly dangerous environment. The easyfact is that increasing safety at your facility is not a matter of choice -- it is needed by law. And by having the top facilities management companies at your side, you can overcome them in a promising way.





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