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Showing posts from October, 2020

What does integrated facilities management mean?

  Irrespective of the industry your business is in, a majority of businesses need Facility Management (FM) in some capacity.   In some firms, facility management requires an entire team of seasoned professionals.   In other companies, it may only be one or two individuals assigned with managing facility issues – and they may not even have any work experience in managing facilities. Those who manage facilities look after a wide range of tasks that keep work environments operational.   These tasks are categorized in various categories, some of which are completely unconnected to one another.   From HVAC to coffee & beverage services, and building security to turning green – all of these tasks require a large opportunity of skills from the people that look after these projects and functions. All of these tasks can place an unnecessary burden on employees, particularly those who only manage facility matters as just one part of their typical workload.   ...

What is the right time to consult top facilities management companies?

  When you're operating a business so low level it fits into one small office, facility management is not an element worth losing sleep over. But as your business expands, that one office of yours may turn into a building and a single machine change into a production line. This is a point when facility management becomes necessary: It ensures you a well-defined environment in which both your business and employees can prosper. Basically, facility management refers to a profession that concentrates on the efficient maintenance of an organization's buildings and equipment in a way that offers the best value to the building owner and users alike. It's also a multi-disciplinary support service that can be executed in any segment or industry. Among its various applications is that it can guarantee safety, operability and ease in the built environment as well as amenability with existing legal requirements. Here’re the indicators that reflect that it’s ideal time to consu...

Choose professionals housekeeping services for hospitals to keep corona away.

  The year 2020, started normally suddenly turned into a nightmare for the whole global population. Almost every industry suffered due to this. From travel to hospitality, healthcare, banking, automobile, and others, every sector bore the burnt of this global pandemic. Various studies shown that we humans need to extreme care of ourselves and the surroundings to keep the virus away. From washing hands more often to sanitizing common areas, the key to safety lies in high hygiene levels in and around. Now when it comes to maintain the same at hospital and nursing homes, stringent measures must need to be in place to ensure extremely level of hygiene. The reason is because a large number of people visit hospitals on a daily basis to see doctors and any kind of leniency on this front could post risk not only to visitors but doctors and other staff too. This is why it is highly recommended to choose professional housekeeping services for hospitals . Several studies show that in-house ...